Bible 365 Devotional



12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 


I can appreciate the writer of Hebrews using an athletic analogy to help us better understand our spiritual life.   

In our verse for today, he uses the idea of running a race. Very much an appropriate metaphor for our spiritual race. Paul would refer to his life as one who finished his race, so our individual race to run is very much a real thing.  

Maybe I relate more to race running because I ran track and cross country a long, long time ago.  

One thing about running a race, you do not want anything slowing you down or tripping you up. Back in the day, we would run with those 70s short shorts, a tank top, and running shoes. Oh, and make sure you tied real right the running shoes. A loose lace can cost you the race.   

So, the writer of Hebrews is saying the same thing regarding our spiritual race. Lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us. Another way of saying that is the sin that so easily trips us up. The Holy Spirit, through the writer, is not being punitive here. He is being factual.   

There are things in this life that can absolutely weigh us down. They are not sins, but they are not helping us. It may be giving too much attention to the cares of this life. Legitimate pursuits; that occupy so much of our time and thinking that we have little time and attention for God.  

And the sins that trip us up should be fairly easy to identify. One thing to note is the sin that trips you may not bother your brother or sister in Christ. And, of course, their sin may not be an issue for you. Another reason judging is not a good idea.   


Regardless if it's a weight or a sin, our instructions are to lay it aside. To take it off of us.  

The exciting thing is that the Lord thinks we have this ability, or asking us to lay weights and sins aside would be unfair.   

So, ask the Lord, what are the weights in my life slowing down my race. It takes courage to ask, but the results are well worth it. Running light and free is a better way to run and the only way to win! 


Dear Lord, help me identify anything that will hinder me from running my race.   
