Bible 365 Devotional


Romans 3:21-24 NKJV 

21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 


Our word for today is righteousness. And it's a big word in more than just spelling.

Righteousness is to be made just. We do not hear the word ‘just’ used as frequently today. However, according to the WordBook dictionary, ‘just’ is defined as legally or ethically right, proper, or fitting. To be just is to conform to established standards or rules. And I like those definitions. Now, applying that definition to the righteousness of God, we find "just" is that which is right and proper and fitting to God and conformed to God's standards.   

It is important to understand the meaning of righteousness because it is a major theme of the New Testament. What Paul shares in our verses for today sums up a vital component of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, being righteous, conformed to God's standards, is revealed apart from the law. The law being the law of Moses. Although the law of Moses and the Prophets all spoke of and pointed to this righteousness. This, being conformed to God's standards, did not come through keeping the Law or the Ten Commandments. This righteousness came through faith in Jesus Christ.   

And because this righteousness is not based on the Law of Moses or keeping the Ten Commandments, then this righteousness is available to anyone who believes. This anyone includes Jews as well as Gentiles. And there is no difference, meaning no one has a spiritual advantage. For all have sinned and come short of God's glory.   

Verse 23, for all have sinned, is a well-quoted verse. And it is accurate. Regardless of a person's background or how good they have been, all have sinned. Being a good person is fine, but still short of God's standards. Being a good person is valuable to society, but it is not right, proper, or fitting to God. If simply being a good person would make someone righteous in God's sight, then there would have been no reason to send Jesus to die for our sins.   

So, verse 24 bails us all out. We have been justified, made righteous, freely, or at no cost to us, by God's grace. Grace is another big Bible word, but much easier to spell. Grace involves God's power on our behalf. Grace is also given, not earned. God was not paying the world back for being good by sending Jesus. But by sending Jesus and having Him pay the price for our sins, God redeemed us through Christ. Redeemed is another big Bible word that means to let go free for a ransom. Our righteousness came at a cost that we did not pay.   


Righteousness is a big word that has big meaning to us personally. No longer are we trying to be right with God; we have been made right through Jesus Christ. This is why Paul said in the first chapter of Romans that he was not ashamed of the gospel. In the gospel, the righteousness of God was revealed from faith to faith.   

And because we have been made righteous in God's sight, now our efforts to live right are a function of living out what has already happened to us on the inside - spiritually. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:34, "...awake to righteousness and do not sin."   

Righteousness: a big word with a big meaning, producing a big freedom in our lives.   


Thank You, Father! I have been made right, proper, and fitting in Your sight through faith in Christ!   
