Bible 365 Devotional



7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 

There is a lot of content in this one little verse.   

Do not be deceived.  Paul is saying in our vernacular, don't kid yourself.  Do not allow yourself to think otherwise.   

God is not mocked.  It was God who set this principle in motion, and we are not going to override it.   

Whatever a man sows that he will also reap.  Whatever seeds you plant is what you are going to see.  One Bible version reads that a man's harvest in life is dependent on what he sows.  Sowing and reaping is a spiritual law that God established.  We can see this principle in the natural or earthly pattern of sowing and reaping.   

If you sow corn seeds, you have a corn crop.  Apple seeds produce apple trees.  We don't sow corn seeds and wonder if we'll get apples.  We get what we sow.   

God's Kingdom operates this way.  There are many references to God's word as seed.  Even Jesus likened Himself to a seed that would produce much fruit.  Sowing and reaping is a big Kingdom principle. 



My mother used to tell me I would reap what I sowed.  It was usually to scare me away from sowing bad seeds of disobedience.  I was spanked as a child, not beaten, but my parents were determined to teach me the principle of sow bad seeds, reap a bad harvest. But sowing and reaping also works in the positive. Sow good seeds and reap a good harvest.  Acts of love, kindness, and blessing will produce good things in our lives.  Sowing financial seeds yields a financial harvest. And the list goes on. Take a few moments today to stop and think about the vast number of things in your life that apply to sowing and reaping.  It really is a big kingdom principle.   



Teach me, Lord, how to cooperate even more with the law of sowing and reaping.  It can work for me, for my good, and the good of others.
