Bible 365 Devotional


Proverbs 26:17 NKJV 

17 He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own 

Is like one who takes a dog by the ears. 



This is the time of year that we typically have more time off. It's the time of year when we get together with family, friends, and co-workers more frequently than usual. This time of the year generates much more interaction with others than normal. This can be a wonderful time of year. This can also be a high-stress time. So, to go here is a good warning as we enter the season of good cheer. 

Don't mess with Texas. That should be, don't mess with other people's messes. Or don't meddle with quarrels that have nothing to do with you. Don't weigh in on family matters that are not your own. Even if they ask you, don't do it. Even if they say what do you think? Don't go there. Nada, nothing, no way. 

Why? Because it's like taking a dog by the ears. No need to experiment here. It's just not a good idea. It's a good way to get bit. If you grab a dog by the ears, it will bite you, especially if it's not your dog. When we meddle with strife that has nothing to do with us, it will not turn out well. 

One problem is we become involved with a strife filled situation. And the Scriptures warn us about strife. Nothing good comes from strife. Paul told the Corinthian church, in 1 Corinthians 3, that by getting into strife, they were acting like mere men. A better term would be mere unchanged men. So, as believers, those of us who have become new creations in Christ, we are changed on the inside. So we begin to operate that way on the outside. As citizens of a different kingdom, we function differently. In the Kingdom of God, strife is not what gets things done. 

But what if we know what should happen in a situation where people are getting upset and in strife? Shouldn't we step in and intervene? A good rule of thumb is no. And if they ask you to say something, check your heart before answering. The Holy Spirit can certainly give us the wisdom we need. But sometimes, the wisdom that the Holy Spirit gives will not be accepted by others.  

Sometimes, staying quiet is the hardest thing to do. But remember, you'll never have to apologize for things you did not say. So, if you know you are heading into situations this Christmas season where strife is prone to break out, pray ahead of time. Pray for peace. And pray that you would be an instrument of peace. 

Alex, one of our newer staff members, shared some advice he would get from his mother every holiday season. His mother reminded all the children that when they got together with relatives, this may be the best chance to be a witness for Christ. His mother realized this may be the best chance to let their light shine with unsaved family. 

 What a great perspective. Sure beats grabbing a dog by the ears! 


Lord lead me this Christmas season into Your peace and into being a peacemaker.  
