Bible 365 Devotional



28 Whoever has no rule over his own spirit 

Is like a city broken down, without walls. 



In the ancient world, a walled city was a much safer place to live. Walls could protect from thieves and intruders. But a city with broken down walls was a serious target for trouble. 

In our verse for today, there is a comparison made between a city with broken down walls and an individual with no control over his spirit. 

The word spirit has many usages in the scriptures. It can be used to represent air, breath, heart, and mind. So we must look at this verse in context to determine what is being presented. 

I do not believe it means breath. No breath or bad breath is not as serious as to be likened to a city without walls. 

But there are other renderings of the word spirit. These would include anger, temper, and wrath. Now we are making more sense. 

A person with no rule over his temper is like a city with broken down walls. A person who cannot control their anger is a serious target for trouble.  

Conversely, the ability to control your temper and anger makes you a walled city. Trouble may come your way, but you are much more protected. 


I have been the person who has had to gain the rule, the control, over my anger and temper. I am certainly not bragging here. My uncontrolled temper has brought trouble into my life and impacted my family. 

Uncontrolled anger is an open door to trouble. James 1:19-20 tells us to be slow to anger because it does not produce the righteousness of God. 

There are many verses that speak directly to putting away anger and not letting anger cause you to sin. Anger comes, but it does not call the shots. Nothing good comes from blowing up. 

So next time you are tempted to go off, remember you are knocking down the walls and opening the door to trouble.   


Lord, help me to get a better handle on my anger. I want to live inside Your protection, not inviting trouble. 
