Bible 365 Devotional


PROVERBS 9:10-11

10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, 
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 
11 For by me your days will be multiplied, 
And years of life will be added to you.  


Let me start off by stating that I am not against education. I have a college degree and attended Bible school. I have children who graduated from college or occupational therapy school, so secular education is not a problem.   

Now, if we are discussing the lack of faith that is prevalent on most college campuses today, that is an entirely different topic.  

But the education talked about in today's passage is on a different level. A spiritual level. The good news is that obtaining this type of education will cost you time but will not put you in debt for years.   

But wait, there's more. This education is not reserved for the super smart. Rather this education is reserved for those who have a heart for God.   

A reverence and respect for God is where true wisdom begins. We all know of people with extremely high IQs who deny the very existence of God. They may be smart, book smart, but they do not possess true wisdom.  

Knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. A basic understanding of life comes when we have knowledge of God and acknowledge Him. After all, the earth did not just show up one day. God is the Creator of the universe. So, acknowledging and growing in our knowledge of Him puts us in a different category. We are no longer confined to the limitations of science. Rather we have tapped into the One who created all things.   

Get an education? You do whatever it takes to fulfill God's plan for you. But make sure you start with a respect and reverence for God. That is where true wisdom begins. The truly smart start here.   


Father, I acknowledge You as the source of all things. I would not even exist if it was not for You. Help me grow in the wisdom and knowledge of You. 
