Bible 365 Devotional


Proverb 15:31-32 NKJV 
31 The ear that hears the rebukes of life 
Will abide among the wise. 
32 He who disdains instruction despises his own soul, 
But he who heeds rebuke gets understanding. 



If you have listened to or read my devotionals over the years, you know that I have to take a different route when it comes to the Book of Revelation. There are entire chapters I read, but do not receive anything that really speaks to my heart. When I write these devotionals, I am looking for that spark, that word that speaks to me. The old King James Version of the Bible uses the word quicken. It's a good word. I am looking for what is quickened to me. I do not ignore Revelation and will read it in its entirety. But when it comes to devotionals, I will often refer to the other parts of our Bible 365 readings, such as the Psalms, Proverbs, or Old Testament passages. We do offer classes on Revelation, and my friend Steve Meeker does a great job with the book. My summary of Revelation is that Jesus wins in the end, and a whole lot of stuff is going to go down until then. So, stay with Jesus and stay ready to go. 

In our Proverb for today, we see a different and challenging path to wisdom. Rebuke is the different path. Excited? I don't know if anyone becomes excited at being rebuked. A rebuke is a strong correction and, particularly, a correction of something that is wrong. And notice that it's the ear that hears the rebuke of life. The ear that hears implies that there are ears that do not hear. The strong correction comes, but no one is listening. The lights are on, but nobody's home. 

But the person who will listen to correction, even though it typically does not feel good, will be the wise person. And this makes perfect sense. If we never make corrections, we set ourselves up for trouble. All of us need these rebukes of life. The good thing about the Lord's rebuke is that it is not demeaning. He corrects without putting us down. The Lord's objective is to get us on the right path, not ruin our often-fragile self-image. 

Verse 32 goes hand in hand with verse 31. If we look down on and think little of instruction, we are not doing good to ourselves. Now, this is a very different path. In attempting to provide good self-care, we often disregard anything negative if it pertains to us. But quite often, the very thing we need is to make corrections, not put up the walls to protect ourselves. Solomon reiterates that the one who will listen to rebuke will get understanding. And frequently, it's understanding about how to correct our course that leads to adjustments that produce the good things we are looking for. 

No, hearing rebukes and instruction is not the first thing we pray for concerning our day. But maybe we should. Asking the Lord what we need to correct is a different path, but it's a path that produces wisdom and understanding. I believe we are wise people. We can do this! 



I was having my quiet time with the Lord this morning and received a rebuke. And no, I am not going to tell you what the Lord whispered to my heart. It was tough to hear, but it also contained an answer I have been looking for. And I am listening. 


Lord, thank You for Your rebukes in my life. Through Your word, by Your Spirit, through other people You have put in my life, I am listening. 
