Bible 365 Devotional


Proverb 31:30 NKJV 

30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, 

But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. 


Proverbs 31 lays out the qualities of a virtuous woman. Since we rarely use virtuous in today's vernacular, let's use a high-value woman. Of course, the qualities of this high-value woman are based on heaven's perspective, not the secular world. Verse 30 is a prime example of this contrast. What God values is far different from what is lauded by society. 

Charm is deceitful. From the Bible's viewpoint, someone who is charming is false. The charmer is presenting a false front. Their charm is a coverup for who they really are. This is a direct contrast with secular society that values charm. Years ago, upper-echelon families would send their daughters to charm school. That is what these schools were called. These charm schools would teach young ladies proper social graces and how to successfully navigate various social situations. 

Beauty is passing. Empty and meaningless. Tell that to Hollywood actresses who are put out to pasture, so to speak, once they age out of romantic roles in movies. But from a biblical, Kingdom of God perspective, beauty does not mean much. Beauty fades and does not last forever. If beauty was the most valuable trait of a high-value woman, then why can't some of our most beautiful stay married or maintain a long-term relationship? Beauty may get you to the altar, but it can't keep you in a relationship. 

 And I am not being sexist. The same principles apply to men also. Charisma and handsomeness are not the two greatest masculine qualities for healthy relationships. I believe these verses in Proverbs highlight women because so much emphasis is placed on their charm and beauty. 

But here is what makes a high value woman in God's Kingdom. The woman who fears or reverences the Lord. That's the woman that will be praised. The fear of the Lord is a highly sought after spiritual quality. That is the beginning of wisdom. That is where someone departs from evil. The reverence of God is foundational to a relationship with Him. So much starts and ends with reverence. And that is the quality that is genuine and will never age out or expire. In the Kingdom scheme of things, a woman who fears the Lord is of high value regardless of age, appearance, or social graces. 


Regardless of gender, the fear and reverence of the Lord are great qualities to grow in during the upcoming year. If we can end 2024 with a greater reverence of God, we will have added value to the year and increased our value to God's Kingdom. 


Lord show me how I can grow in reverence and respect of You in this upcoming year. 
