Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 101:3

PSALM 101:3 NKJ 
3 I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; 
I hate the work of those who fall away; 
It shall not cling to me. 

The psalmist is declaring his intent with things that are wicked.  Another word for wicked is worthless, which certainly adds an extra dimension to what we look at.   

The reason I call this devotional a modern-day challenge is the absolute saturation of wicked and worthless material in our world today.  It's everywhere, just a few clicks away.  Some would declare there's no harm in just looking.  But that's actually how things start.  When David, the author of this psalm, says I will set no wicked thing before my eyes, he is really onto an important principle.  We can't control all the input that comes our way, but we can choose what we set, fix, and intentionally look at.  And the less we look, the less we want or desire.  Conversely, the more we look, the more we want.  Any area that we struggle with, we need to starve.   

It used to be that pornography was a male problem, but with the ease of access, it's increasingly affected our young ladies as well.  We can't make all this wicked, worthless content go away, but we can become diligent regarding what we set before our eyes.   



If you have found yourself inundated with wicked worthless content, purpose in your heart to stop looking.  It will be a challenge but take it one day at a time, and you'll find your powers to resist growing stronger.  This content is not helping you; it's actually dulling you down spiritually.  But by God's grace and strength, you can win.   



This prayer is for those caught up in wicked worthless content.   

Father forgive me for setting the wrong things before my eyes.  Help me grow stronger and resist.  Teach me to set the eyes of my heart on You.
