Bible 365 Devotional


3 JOHN 1-2

 3 JOHN 1-2 NKJ 
1 The Elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth: 
2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.  

The Apostle John was known as the Apostle of love. He preached the selfless, unconditional God kind of love. He had observed this love in Jesus, and as he was one of the original twelve, he knew it’s importance.   

In this short letter, John is writing to a brother in Christ that he loved. John considered Gaius one of his children in the Lord. Gaius was a blessing to the church and had shown notable hospitality.   

Now John is praying for Gaius or revealing one of his prayers for this brother. He prayed that Gaius would prosper in all things. He also prayed that he would be in health and that his soul, inner life, would prosper.   

Those are not unusual desires for someone you love. I have three children, and I want each of them to prosper in everything they do. And I want each of them and their spouses and their children to be healthy in their bodies and in their minds and emotions.   

Why then would people get upset when we say God wants us, His children, to prosper in all things and be healthy spirit, soul, and body? Why would God, the epitome of a Father, want less for His children than any good parent would want for their own. I'm certainly not the greatest father, and I don't come close to God in terms of goodness, love, graciousness, and generosity.   

If John had been wrong in desiring these things for Gaius, then these words would have not been in the Bible. No, God is really, really good and He wants His beloved children to prosper in all things and be in health spirit, soul and body. 



I do not understand why people believe God does not want good things for His children. I realize some people have twisted the gospel to make it all about money, but it does not take away from God's good intent. He loved us enough to give us Jesus, His very best. Why would He not want us to be blessed in all areas?   

The crux of this devotional today is that God is good and wants good for His children. Believing this simple truth makes it easier to love, serve and obey God. He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.  

So instead of a prayer, here is my prayer for You.   

Heavenly Father, I pray that these, Your children would prosper in all things and be in health spirit, soul, and body.  Thank You for Your great love for us. Amen.
