Bible 365 Devotional



4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 


So how would you define a mature Christian? Would it be someone who has known the Lord for decades? How about someone who has been involved in church all their life? Would a mature Christian be someone who can quote a lot of scriptures? Or is it someone who preaches and teaches the Bible? Maybe it's someone who the Holy Spirit uses in spiritual gifts? 

All of the above characteristics are good. I would not downplay any of these markers. But Paul outlines the sign of true Christian maturity in our verses for today. Walking in love is the best indicator of a mature believer. 

I am not sure why this divine God kind of love is so often ignored. Jesus made it His commandment. Paul said that practicing this kind of love will ensure that we will not fail. Peter referenced this love in his letters, saying that love was one of the factors that keeps us from stumbling. And John focused on this kind of love in his first letter to the church. Most of John's letter was a discourse in love. And he went as far as to say God is love, and love is how we know God. 

So why don't we see love conferences or entire series on this divine agape, this God kind of love? 

And, of course, I am looking straight at me as I write this. 

Possibly because of the difficulty factor involved. It is no walk in the park to practice these five verses. Putting up with people and being kind about it. Not promoting self or acting as if we are very important people. Not behaving rudely in a culture where graciousness is becoming as rare as a summer snowfall in Texas. 

Oh, and my favorite. Love does not seek its own. An older version of the Amplified Bible says - it does not insist on its own rights or own way because it is not self-seeking. And couple that with not being easily provoked and not having wrong thoughts. Love does not consider a wrong endured. 

And this love is not okay with things that ought not to be. So this love will wind up being counter-cultural in today's society. This kind of love has a heart for people without endorsing their ways. 


Are you excited yet? If not, then realize that this is an area where all of us have to renew our minds. We have to adjust our mindset and thinking to God's ways as opposed to what feels right or what our environment dictates. 

But Jesus modeled this love. This love is the fruit of the spirit. This love, according to Peter, helps keep us from spiritual blindness. This love gives us insight into God's true nature. 

And this love is the primary marker of maturity. This is the most visible sign of a grow'd up Christian. 


Lord, I want to walk in such a way that You are pleased with my life. Help me. Show me how to grow in love. 

