Bible 365 Devotional


Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied. ACTS 9:31 NKJ

ACTS 9:31 NKJ   
Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.

Here is a simple but powerful verse that describes what took place in the early churches and what happened as a result of these actions. Paul, the great enemy of the church, was now a committed follower of Jesus, and there was a season of peace for the churches.   

Lack of turmoil and fear was a huge blessing to the early church. And the churches were edified. We would say today, built up a position of spiritual strength.  

The third action that made for a growth environment was that the churches practiced reverence for God. They were very aware of His might and miracle-working power, and their approach toward Him was one of honor and respect.   

The last characteristic of these early churches was their reliance on the Holy Spirit for direction and supernatural ability. With all these things going on, the churches did not simply grow, they multiplied.   


I am thinking this verse will be the basis for a Wednesday night series. Creating an environment for progress in your life. If these four attributes can apply to the early church, they can apply to our lives today.   

We can walk in the peace of God. We can be built up spiritually by filling our lives with and practicing God's word. We can further develop in reverential respect for God, living to honor Him. And we can have the Holy Spirit help us and guide us in all the affairs of life. This is exciting stuff, and it gives us a marvelous blueprint for growth and progress in our lives.   


Dear Father, Please show me how to walk even more in Your peace, Your reverence, strong spiritually, and in partnership with the Holy Spirit. I desire to be more effective for Your honor and glory. 
