Bible 365 Devotional

An Unlikely Time For A Miracle

His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” John 2:5 NKJV

John 2:1-10

His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
John 2:5 NKJV 

This is such a rich passage full of spiritual gold.

Jesus’ mother’s instructions: whatever He says to you do it. Great life advice.

Jesus had the servants fill the waterpots, and they were filled to the brim. He never does anything halfway.

And performing a miracle to simply keep a couple from being embarrassed on their wedding day. If there ever was a time to say no, God doesn’t care about little things like wine at a wedding, that would have been the time. But Jesus performs a miracle to help them out. How great is our God to help with the small things of life?


Are there areas in your life now where you have thought, Nah, God isn’t interested in helping me with that? Maybe it’s about your job or a relationship that took a funny turn or just something that has you blocked.

A great prayer is: Lord, I know You help those who look to You and obey You. Show me what I can do here. Whatever you say to me, I’ll do it. I believe You want my life full. Full of Your peace, Your love, Your joy. Thank you in advance.
