Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 37:30-31

PSALM 37:30-31 NKJ 
30 The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, 
And his tongue talks of justice. 
31 The law of his God is in his heart; 
None of his steps shall slide. 


In a boxing ring, the fighters are often introduced by their corner. And in this corner, weighing 222 pounds. Then the opposing fighter in the opposite corner would have his introduction.   

And in this Psalm 37, we see a contrast being made. The contrast is between the righteous and the wicked. If you will go back and read Psalm 37 again, the contrast will stand out even more.   

The righteous, those in right standing with God, wind up being blessed. The righteous will be taken care of during difficult times. The Lord will uphold the righteous. The righteous will enable their children to be blessed. They inherit the land. The Lord will be their strength and help them and deliver them.   

In other words, the righteous may experience difficulties, but they are not going down.   

However, the wicked are another matter. They will be cut off, not withstand hard times, and vanish away. As you read the contrast, you see that the righteous have it far better.   

In verses 30-31, we can see an important reason why the righteous are doing well. Yes, they are blessed of the Lord, but they are also doing their part to live honorably before God. They are living as the righteous.   

In a simple nutshell, the righteous speak what is right. They put God's word in their heart, and their lives are governed by that word. None of his steps shall slide. The word for slide is slip. By putting God's word in their heart, the righteous are walking on a strong, sure foundation. They are not slipping up.   


If you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, then you are the righteous. Being righteous is something Jesus did for us (1 Cor. 1:30-31). So do not identify with the wicked.   

Now, as the righteous, put God's word in your heart and begin to practice it in your life. This is more than righteousness as a position; this is living as the righteous. With God's word as your foundation, you'll have a much better footing as you walk through life. And you will begin to experience the blessings that are spelled out in Psalm 37.   


Thank you, Lord. You have made me righteous in your sight. Help me to live as the righteous. 
