Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 5:11-12 NKJ

PSALM 5:11-12 NKJ 
11 But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; 
Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; 
Let those also who love Your name 
Be joyful in You. 
12 For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; 
With favor You will surround him as with a shield. 

I have noticed as I read through the book of Psalms that certain passages just stand out. As this happens, I have come to realize this is God speaking to me. One of the primary ways God communicates with His children is through the written word. 

So, when a passage seems to stand out or resonate with you, stop there. Reread the passage. Read it out loud, and you will begin to get a real sense of what God is saying to you.   

Of late, I have been on a rejoicing theme. This is something the Lord continues to emphasize in my life. So, I thought I would share it with you.  

Let all those rejoice who put their trust in You. I am not asking if I trust the Lord; I am telling myself. I trust in the Lord. So, I rejoice.   

Let them ever shout for joy because You, God, protect and cover them. God is protecting me. He is covering me, and I am glad.   

Let those who love God and all He represents be joyful in Him. Did you ever notice how often we are encouraged to be glad, joyful, and expressive? Never sullen and mopey.   

For these reasons, we rejoice, shout for joy, and we are glad. Because the Lord will bless us. And the Lord will surround us with favor as a shield.  

God's grace and favor can be upon our lives as a protective shield. His blessings come upon us and cause us to stand even when others are falling. And we rejoice knowing it's all because of the goodness of the Lord. And we are glad.  


These are great reasons to rejoice before God. We rejoice because we trust. And it works a beautiful life cycle. The more we trust, the more we rejoice. The more we rejoice, the more we trust.   

I encouraged the church this past Wednesday night to practice rejoicing. These two verses today give us more reasons to rejoice.   


Lord, thank You that I put my trust in You. Thank You for Your protection, blessings, and favor in my life. 
