Bible 365 Devotional



18 because you have listened to the voice of the Lord your God, to keep all His commandments which I command you today, to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord your God. 


This entire chapter is a warning to the nation of Israel regarding not turning away from following God. 

This is a theme that we have seen repeated in these first 13 chapters. Anytime God repeats Himself is the time to listen both with ears and heart. 

The warnings were regarding not listening to anyone who would pull them away from following the Lord. Israel was warned about people who claimed to be prophets and those who were dreamers of dreams. If these people tried to turn the nation away from God, they were to be put to death. God was serious. 

Then the warnings became personal. Israel was warned about listening to family and friends who tried to entice them away from serving the Lord and persuade them into serve foreign gods. These corrupters were also to be put to death.  

Does this sound harsh? Yes, but God knew this was how His own people could be corrupted. And when Israel stopped following God, Israel ran into big troubles.  

So, Israel was to always listen to God, keep His commandments and do what was right in the eyes of the Lord.  

This last phrase is important. Do what is right in God's sight. Not what other nations practice, not what was easiest and most convenient. Not what they felt was the right thing. But what was right in God's sight. This would definitely separate Israel from other nations. This would enable Israel to walk in God's blessings and protection. Right in God's sight was always right. 


When was the last time you heard that phrase - doing right in the eyes of the Lord? 

And yet that is still the way we are to live. It is certainly a different standard, especially in a day where people do what they feel is right or conform to society's constantly changing norms.  

But just as Israel stood out to other nations, our doing right in the eyes of the Lord will cause us to stand out. And to stand when others crumble.  

We no longer stone those who attempt to pull us away from the Lord. But we should cut off or dramatically limit their voice in our lives.  

We serve the One who bought us and released us from darkness. We live to do right by Him. Right in His sight.
