Bible 365 Devotional



30 A sound heart is life to the body, 

But envy is rottenness to the bones. 



Currently, there has been increased focus placed on mental health. And with good reason. The condition of our mind and emotions plays an important role in our overall well-being. As we look at mental health from a scriptural standpoint, we must include more than just mind and body. We are spirit beings; we have a soul and live in a body. Our Father God, who created us, knows how we function, and through His word He has given us insight as to what brings us health and life. 

Our proverb today declares that a sound heart is life to the body. Other translations render this word 'sound' as tranquil or peaceful. And peace is such a valuable commodity. The world that is separated from God is constantly looking for peace. But way too often, the world is looking in the wrong places. 

Having a peaceful environment is wonderful but will not necessarily work a lasting peace in our lives. Getting away from it all is fine for a time, but eventually, we have to return to the real world. And then there are those who look for artificial sources of peace. People turn to drugs, alcohol, or other forms of escape just to get to a place of peace. 

Thank God that our relationship with Him can bring peace into our inner lives that transcends environment, negative circumstances, or mental pressure. Jesus promised us His peace (John 14:27), and as we grow spiritually, His peace can become the stability of our inner life. 

We can focus on the peace that the God of peace makes available to us, but we also have to eliminate the things that steal our peace. These peace thieves can be the tormenting thoughts and emotions that want to take up residence in our souls. Our proverb for today lists envy as an emotion that works against us. Rottenness in our bones is a graphic picture of toxicity. We can add hate, grief, and sorrow to that list of toxic peace thieves. And the biggest thief may be the fear that permeates our world and tries to permeate our souls, our inner man. 

In Proverbs 4:23, we are warned to guard our hearts, our inner life. Because out of our heart is where our life-flow stems. The subject of guarding the heart is a big one. A quick summary would include feeding on God's Word and replacing the negative thoughts and emotions that try to rule our lives. A challenging task, yes. But an impossible task, absolutely not. And the effort to protect our inner life is worth it. Our sleep is more restful, our outlook brighter, and life is better when there is peace in our hearts. 


Father, You are the God of peace. Please show me the areas where I have allowed the thieves of peace to remain for too long. I desire to be whole and strong in my inner and outer life. 
