Bible 365 Devotional


MATTHEW 15:17-20

MATTHEW 15:17-20 NKJ 
17 Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? 18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. 20 These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.” 

Growing up with two sons, Matthew and Michael, they were quite different.  Matt was my outside guy.  Loved the adventure crawling through the sewer system always outside, usually filthy.   

Michael was my inside guy.  Loved video games and working out all of which are inside activities. Preferred clean   

So, which is the right one?  Well, there is no right or wrong here, just different.  But Jesus was talking to His followers about outside us inside, and with Him, there was a clear winner.  The Jews were all caught up with outward things.  Washing hands and pots and clothes.  Very concerned about the foods they ate.  Most of these things were commandments of men or man's tradition, and Jesus was not impressed. He said it was not nearly as important what you put in you as it was what came out of you.  The Jewish tradition valued outward regulations.  Jesus put the emphasis on what was in the heart.  So, in essence, Jesus said don't worry near as much as what you put in your mouth.  Instead, be concerned with what comes out of your mouth. 



Growing up in a certain church, they put a big emphasis on not drinking alcohol.  Other groups were quite concerned about the clothes you wore.  Some were even against women wearing makeup.  But pretty much all of these were outward-focused.  If you never touched alcohol, but you are as mean as a snake with an out-of-control mouth, something is wrong.  But if we get the heart going in the right direction, the outward rules and regulations won't matter so much.  And here's another thought.  If we get the heart right, the outward things will take care of themselves.  If our heart is to love and honor God.  If it's to walk in love toward our fellow believers, chances are strong we'll be ok regarding outward things.   

So, when it comes to inside versus outside, always start inside heart first. 



Heavenly Father, thank You for doing a work in me first.  You have changed my heart.  Help me guard it so that what comes out is good and a blessing to others.
