Bible 365 Devotional



28 The wicked flee when no one pursues, 
But the righteous are bold as a lion. 


I have always liked this Proverb. The idea of being bold as a lion is appealing to my type A personality.   

But when we take a closer look, this verse is talking about a boldness that goes beyond personality. This boldness is a function of being in right standing with God.  

The contrast in this proverb is between the wicked and the righteous.   

The wicked have no confidence with God. Their choices in life have put them at odds with God. They do not serve Him or honor Him, so they have no assurance of His grace and help. As a result, they are highly susceptible to fears, both real and imagined. They run when no one is chasing them.   

But on the other hand, we have the righteous. These are those who know they have right standing with God. This right standing was made possible by the work of Jesus and is a gift that was not earned. Our righteousness is one of the great truths of our inheritance in Christ.   

And there is another side to righteousness. It is living right before God to the best of our ability. When we are doing what we know to do, then we have a confidence with God because our heart does not condemn us (see 1 John 3:21). When we have confidence with God, life does not look so frightening. After all, He is for us. And if He is for us, we can be as bold as a lion. And lions ain't scared.   


Thank You, Father, for the right standing that I have with You because of Jesus. Help me to live conscious of that truth and to walk humbly before You and bold in the face of challenges. 
