Bible 365 Devotional



JOHN 2:5-8 NKJV 

5 His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it." 

6 Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece. 7 Jesus said to them, "Fill the waterpots with water." And they filled them up to the brim. 8 And He said to them, "Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast." And they took it. 


We can't make ‘Momma knows best’ a hard and fast rule. This statement is not a scripture. But in our passage for today, Jesus' mother had some great instructions.  

"Whatever He says to you, do it." Mary knew from experience that Jesus was different. She knew before anyone else that he was the Son of God. She may not have understood the full scope of what His ministry would entail, but she knew that obeying Him was the right move.   

And Mary's words must have impacted the servants. What Jesus asked them to do was not the easiest route. 

The water pots of stone were fairly good-sized. Each pot held, at minimum, 20 gallons of water, and some held 30 gallons. And Jesus said to fill them with water.   

We read this story today with full knowledge of what happened. But to the servants, it could not have made sense. Why fill these waterpots with water? This involved some work; there was no hose. The waterpots had to be filled by hand, drawing water from the well. Not knowing how much water was already in the pots, we can only speculate, but this was a task.  

And the work was not finished. The servants then had to draw water out and take it to the wedding coordinator. This is easy to minimize because we know the ending, but it had to be a bit scary for the servants. How would you like to be the guy who hands the master of the feast a cup of water? 

Both tasks required the servants to take a step of faith. And thankfully, Jesus came through with turning the water into wine.  


Whatever He says to you, do it, still applies to us today.   

And obeying the Lord still requires steps of faith on our part. But this is how the miraculous takes place. 

Throughout our lives, the greatest results are found in our doing what He tells us to do in His word and by His Holy Spirit.   

We will not always understand everything ahead of time. Those servants did not. But we trust Him and do it. And He is faithful to watch over His word to perform it. 


Lord I purpose to do whatever You tell me to do. I don’t have to understand everything involved, all I have to do is trust and obey. 
