Bible 365 Devotional


LUKE 9:17

LUKE 9:17 NKJ 
17 So they all ate and were filled, and twelve baskets of the leftover fragments were taken up by them.  

This is the famous story of feeding over five thousand people with five loaves and two fish.  And again, there is so much we can derive from this account.   

Jesus would not send people away hungry.  He fed them in a desert place.  He multiplied what was given to Him.  But wait, there's more.  After these hungry people ate and probably stashed some extra bread away for a snack going home, there were twelve baskets of leftover fragments.  The people were stuffed, but God supplied more than just enough.   



This is a simple devotional with a big question attached.  How do you see God?  Jesus revealed Him as a healing, life-giving, miracle working God.  And Jesus revealed a God who does things big.  Not a just barely God but a God of abundance.  He is not worried if there are leftovers.  He smiles when the cup runs over.  He is really big, really powerful, and really good.   

Are we praying too small?  Are we thinking little or thinking big?  May God help us raise up the level of our thinking to identify with being part of a powerful, abundant life-giving family that will exist for eternity.   



Dear Father, help me think bigger of You and Your power and Your Kingdom.  Deliver me from barely enough thinking.  You are a more than enough God, and You're my Father.
