Bible 365 Devotional


ROMANS 6:4 & 11

ROMANS 6:4 & 11 NKJ 
4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 
11 Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

There are such outstanding spiritual truths in Romans, and this chapter is stellar.   

We have been united with Jesus in His death but also in His resurrection.  This is what water baptism signifies.  And water baptism does not save us; it's simply an outward display to others what has taken place in us spiritually.   

So, we are now able to walk in newness of the spiritual life that's in us because of our faith in Jesus.   

This is where Christianity becomes so much more than another world religion.  We have been united or baptized into Christ, and now we can live a whole new life.  Sin, habits, problems that have plagued us in the past have lost their grip, and we are free to walk in a living relationship with the living God.   

We don't always feel alive to God and dead to sin, so we accept it by faith.  Remember, spiritual things are real but not always felt or seen.   



These two verses would be good to memorize.  And just as Jesus used God's word to overcome Satan's temptation, we can follow His example and do the same.  When tempted, we can declare, "it is written, I walk in newness of life, and I am dead to sin." 

Forget about how you feel; this is a higher-level truth than your feelings, and if you'll stay with it, you'll see yourself overcoming more and more. You will be living a new kind of life and dominating the sin that once dominated you! 
