Bible 365 Devotional


JUDE 24-25

JUDE 24-25 NKJ 
24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, 
And to present you faultless 
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, 
25 To God our Savior, 
Who alone is wise, 
Be glory and majesty, 
Dominion and power, 
Both now and forever. 

 The book of Jude deals with the subject of false teachers in the church. Jude encourages the believers to contend for the faith. The book is a warning and contains insight regarding how the church of Jesus Christ is impacted from within. Jude is not my go-to book. It is important to read, and when I see Jude in heaven, he will probably point out all the things I missed. But I really resonate with his closing. "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy." I sure like the sound of that. God is able to keep me from stumbling. He is able to. This would indicate that Him keeping me from stumbling in my walk also involves me. This is not an automatic process. But the closer I walk with Him, the better off I will be, and my stumbling decreases. When I walk close, He can help me, by His word and His Holy Spirit, miss some of the pitfalls and potholes in life. He is able, so I am willing.   

And present you faultless before His presence and glory with joy. I wish I could elaborate on all that entails but one thing I do know - it sure sounds good.   

Jude then ends his letter glorifying God. It is interesting that Jude acknowledges Him as our Savior who alone is wise. God is the author of true wisdom. The wisdom we have is from Him. He is the source, and we are the ones who receive.   

To Him be glory and majesty. Dominion and power both now and forever. In a world where it's so easy to glorify man, the writers of the New Testament never did. They always gave the glory to God and the Lord Jesus. They recognized that man's glory would fade away, but God's glory will never fade out or diminish in any way. Now and forever.   


The best way for us to apply this verse would be to simply acknowledge who God is and what He can do in our lives. Our understanding of God should continue to grow as we realize how awesome, powerful, loving, joyous, and glorious He is both now and forever. Amen.   


Dear Father, may my knowledge and understanding of You continue to grow. You are able to do so much more in my life as I walk close to You. 
