Bible 365 Devotional



9 Honor the Lord with your possessions, 

And with the firstfruits of all your increase; 

10 So your barns will be filled with plenty, 

And your vats will overflow with new wine. 



We use the word honor with less frequency now as compared to bygone decades. And yet it is a fully biblical concept. Spiritual things do not evaporate simply because culture has changed. 

In our verses for today, we see one way we can honor the Lord. It is with our giving. Specifically, our giving financially. 

This becomes a touchy subject for many people. One reason is because some people and ministries, have applied pressure in this area. So working off of yesterday's devotional, that is not what love does. Love does not pressure and push.  

Another reason giving financially is so touchy is because it is so tangible. It is easy to say we honor the Lord in our hearts. That is harder to refute. But our giving is measurable.  

But we must take a better approach to giving. 

The first thing is that it is a bonafide way to honor God. After all, what He has done for us far outweighs anything we do for Him. By putting Him first in our finances with our tithes and offerings, we are acknowledging that without Him, we would be in trouble. He has given us life and breath, and we would not even be alive except for Him. So by our giving, we are giving God a greater place in our lives. 

And let's not forget the promise attached to honoring God first. Remember, He does not want it all; He just wants to be first.  

As we honor Him, blessings come our way. I hear the cries of those proclaiming that we shouldn't give to get. Who says we are doing that? We give to honor Him for all He is and has done. Why is there a problem if He causes abundance to come into our lives? And this was not written by a shady preacher.  

Soloman, one of the wisest and wealthiest men on earth, penned these words. His life was a testimony of someone whose heart was to honor God. And God honored him. 

If we will look at giving with spiritual, not selfish, eyes, we will rejoice that we have a way to honor God. 
