Bible 365 Devotional



3 He heals the brokenhearted 

And binds up their wounds. 

4 He counts the number of the stars; 

He calls them all by name. 

5 Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; 

His understanding is infinite. 

6 The Lord lifts up the humble; 

He casts the wicked down to the ground. 



I believe one of the things that will amaze all of us in the next life is how big our God is.  

These verses are a great example of God's bigness that goes way beyond our mental capacity to grasp. 

He is big enough to count the number of stars. That number is estimated to be 70 sextillion. And yes, that's a number. I am not trying to be cute. Another answer is 200 trillion billion stars in the universe. That is an unfathomable number.  

I am always amazed at the people that still believe the universe was created from nothing.  

And our God can count those 200 trillion billion stars and call them all by name. That's big. 

And yet the scriptures tell us He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Another word for wounds is sorrows. So our God created the massive universe, has an accurate count and name for each star, and can be kind enough to heal the broken heart of one of His children.  

No wonder the Psalmist said great is the Lord and mighty in power. And His understanding is infinite. 

Yet with all this power and perfect knowledge, He will lift the humble person. 

We see His greatness in creation. We also see His greatness displayed toward the individuals who are hurting. 


Many prayers in the scripture would start with something along the lines of acknowledging God as the maker of the heavens and the earth. 

That is such a great place to start because it is starting with the bigness of God. If you can believe that God created the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1:1, then the rest of the scriptures should be no problem. 

He is big but willing to go small. Willing to mend broken hearts and indwell us by His Holy Spirit.  

We'll most likely spend our first 10,000 years in eternity shaking our heads with the look of amazement on our faces. Awed by our great big God. 


Thank You Heavenly Father. You are big and You are big in my life. 
