Bible 365 Devotional



14 Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 

A role is defined as a part or character played by an actor. Another definition is the part played by a person in a particular social setting. Influenced by the expectation of what is appropriate.   

In the 1980s, after a particularly difficult time in our country, Ronald Reagan became president. And one of the strongest parts of his presidency was he understood the role. As a former actor, he knew what was appropriate for a U.S. president. And his understanding and implementation of his role as president helped lift the morale of a nation.   

As believers in Christ, we also have a role to play. Paul understood that, and we see him encouraging the church at Philippi to fulfill that role.   

Paul said that the believers at Phillipi were in the middle of a crooked and perverse generation. Or we could say a warped and distorted generation. Compared with God's way of truth and light, the Philippian church was surrounded by moral and spiritual distortion.   

And Paul reminds the church that in the middle of all this darkness, they are shining as lights.   

That's our role. To shine as lights in a dark world. Jesus was not "just saying" when He called the believers the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14-16


Jesus also encouraged His followers to let their light shine. Paul gives the Philippian church some insight into what that looks like.   

Do all things without complaining and disputing. This seems simple enough but remember, it's connected to our role as lights.   

The world without God is in constant strife, tension, and anger. Social media did not bring this out. Social media just created a broader platform to express the crooked and distorted ways that are prevalent in our society.   

But, as children of God, we are to be different. And our attitude and the way we approach life is a strong way to let our light shine.   

So, let's remember our role as lights in a dark world. And handle life with a smile and a gracious spirit. Our generation can use a big dose of light! 


Thank You, Father. You have done a work in me, and I can shine Your light in a dark world. 
