Bible 365 Devotional


My son, keep my words, And treasure my commands within you. Keep my commands and live, And my law as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart.... PROVERBS 7:1-4 NKJ

1 My son, keep my words, 
And treasure my commands within you. 
2 Keep my commands and live, 
And my law as the apple of your eye. 
3 Bind them on your fingers; 
Write them on the tablet of your heart. 
4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” 
And call understanding your nearest kin, 

The writer of the Proverbs is Solomon. He was known all over the world as a man with undeniable wisdom. He grew up with David and learned from Israel's greatest king, and later in his life, he requested wisdom from God. In fact, God's wisdom was the first thing on his heart. More than wealth, power, or a peaceful kingdom.   

So, when Solomon talks about God's word and God's wisdom, we can learn from his valuation, his perspective.   

Solomon used a phrase - treasure my command within you. This would signify ascribing a high-value and intentionality to God's word. Apple of your eye write them on the tablet of your heart. These are not casual terms. Solomon may have had enormous wealth, but he was captivated with God's word. When he speaks of wisdom, he indicates a close relationship like family. Solomon paints a beautiful picture of the value and importance of God's word and God's wisdom.   


How do we view our relationship with God's word? The more we value His word and wisdom, the more we receive in our lives. If His word is an obligation or duty, we are positioned differently than someone who appreciates and enjoys God's word. If His word is a chore or a bore, you won't get more. Horrible rhyme, but there is a truth here that we can't ignore. Okay, I'll stop, but you get the point.   


Dear Father, thank you for Your word. I treasure it, and I love keeping it. Your wisdom is one of the greatest things in my life. Thank You! 
