Bible 365 Devotional


ACTS 20:32 NKJ

ACTS 20:32 NKJ 
32 "So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. 


 Chapter twenty is one of my favorites in the Book of Acts. There is great insight found in Paul's last words to the leaders of the Ephesian church.   

In the verse for today, we see Paul wrapping up his message to these leaders. Paul had been used of God to start the church at Ephesus, so we can assume that many of these individuals came to faith in Jesus as a direct result of Paul's influence.  

Paul's final words encouraged these believers to continue to pursue a relationship with the living God. Paul was a bold man but very much cognizant of the fact that it is God who deserved the honor and glory, not man. Paul knew he was a vessel of God, but he would be leaving, and God was with them always.   

And to the word of His grace. I love this verbiage. The word that reveals God's grace toward mankind. Not the word of God's law or judgment but the word of God's free and gracious gifts and power toward man.   

This word is packed with ability. It is able to build one up. Of course, this is a spiritual building up. God's word is to our spiritual man what good healthy food is to our bodies.   

And God's word will build your faith so that you can receive all He has provided for us in Christ. His provision is our inheritance, what we have because of our faith in Jesus.  

This inheritance is for all who have been sanctified. That's a big word that means set apart. When we received Jesus, we were not only saved; we were set apart, special to God. Set apart to receive good things and set apart to do good things.   


That's a lot packed into one verse. But it pretty much stands by itself as an application. Continue to pursue a relationship with God and His word. It will make you strong spiritually and enable you to receive the good things God has for you as one of His set-apart ones.   


Thank You, Heavenly Father. I have a wonderful inheritance, and Your word shows me how to receive what You have for me.   
