Bible 365 Devotional


HEBREWS 13:5-6

5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." 6 So we may boldly say: 
"The Lord is my helper; 
I will not fear. 
What can man do to me?" 


Hebrews chapter thirteen is one of those chapters just full of godly wisdom and instruction. 

The chapter starts with brotherly love, goes straight into angels among us, prisoners, and marriage relationships. And this is all in the first four verses. It's as if the Holy Spirit had a laundry list of important items to cover before closing out the letter.   

In our passage for today, we see two of my foundational verses. I quote them often and have added them to my verses that I speak over my life.   

We can live free from being covetous because we have a promise. We do not have to be obsessed with this word and what it has to offer because we have a promise. Power, position, possessions, and passions don't drive us because we have a promise that eclipses those temporary things. We can live calm and content because He Himself has promised to never leave us, and He will never abandon us. Because He is in our lives on a consistent basis, we are going to be okay.   

But there is a second part to this promise. Yes, we can live calm and content, but we must say something about that. He Himself has said, so we may boldly say. We actually have something to say about the promise of His presence. We boldly, or with confidence, say that the Lord is my helper. I will not fear. I will not fear what man can do to me.  


These verses contain great truths and then instructions as to how to apply these truths.  

The truth that God is with us and is helping us is extremely valuable. And the truth that we should boldly say just that is extremely important.   

If we ask ourselves an important question, we may be surprised at our response. Here is the question: What am I bolding saying? What do I say with confidence? 

We may list our preferences and things we like or dislike. I love dogs, chocolate, and Hot Tamales. But what are we saying that contains spiritual value? 

How about I love the Lord. He will never leave me or forsake me. I am content because He is helping me, so I am not afraid. Because the Lord is with me, I don't fear man's rejection, and I am not seeking man's praise. The Lord is my Helper. 

These words carry some strong spiritual weight. So, what are you saying? 
