Bible 365 Devotional


1 CORINTHIANS 12:18 & 27

1 CORINTHIANS 12:18 & 27 NKJ 
18 But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. 19 And if they were all one member, where would the body be? 
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. 

This is a profound revelation and one that needs greater emphasis.   

Too often, when we think about the body of Christ, we have limited our perspective to visible ministries.  Pastors, teachers, singers, all of these have a place in the body of Christ. This is true, but . . .   We all have a place in the body of Christ.  We all belong.  The more this great truth dawns on our hearts, the more we grasp our greater purpose, our eternal purpose in life.   

It has become so easy to accept going to church as doing our part in the body of Christ.  Actually, going to church is intended to equip us to do our part.  Attending church is not the end goal.   

Jesus is the head; we are the body.  We are to represent Him and carry out His work here on the earth.  That objective has so many different applications.  We can serve God in our job, in our home, at our church.  The important thing is recognizing that we are part of the body of Christ and asking the Lord how we can function in our place.   



Since you belong to the body of Christ, you have a part to play.  A willingness to accept your role and ask the Lord what He would have you do is an absolute life-changer.  Tying your life into a bigger purpose is vital to making the most of your time here on earth.  And it honors the Lord when you accept His word and seek Him as to how you can take your place.   

But remember, when you serve and honor Him, He honors you.  It's true, you can't out give or out good God.   



Heavenly Father, thank you that I have a place in the body of Christ just as much as any preacher, speaker, or singer I know.  Thank You for my place.   Show me how to fulfill it that I might honor You. 
