Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 92:12-15 NKJV 

12 The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, 

He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. 

13 Those who are planted in the house of the Lord 

Shall flourish in the courts of our God. 

14 They shall still bear fruit in old age; 

They shall be fresh and flourishing, 

15 To declare that the Lord is upright; 

He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. 



Some generations have handled aging gracefully. But not my generation. We are fighting old age tooth and nail. Our verses for today give us some promises that offer a divine perspective on aging. 

The righteous, those who have been made right with God, will flourish and grow. This is clearly spiritual growth and involves our walk with the Lord.  

Those who are planted in the house of the Lord. That's those of us who are part of God's household, His family. Those who stay connected to God will flourish. This aligns with what Jesus said in John 15. That if we abide in Him, we will bear much fruit. That He is the Vine and we are the branches. 

Now comes the good anti-aging part. We are abiding in Christ, staying connected to Him so we will bear fruit in old age. Not we will wear out in old age. Even in our more mature years, we will still be fruitful, productive Christians.  

And instead of becoming old, cranky, and dried up. We will be fresh and flourishing. 

The margin of my bible has a footnote that fresh literally means full of sap. And flourishing literally means green. 

So, if we continue with the tree metaphor, staying connecting to the Lord means we will be fruit-bearing, sap-filled green trees even in our latter years.   


A book I looked at recently was attempting to debunk some of the myths of aging. I told you my generation was fighting. But the book talked about people buying into all the problems of old age and believing it about themselves. This made the challenges even worse.  

So instead of bemoaning the aging that happens to all of us. What if we declared that we are in Christ and are continuing to bear fruit and flourishing as we walk with the Lord?  

We may not be able to stop aging, but we certainly don't have to speed it up.  


Thank You, Lord, that spiritually I am full of life and strength. And that life in me is impacting my entire being. I am fresh and flourishing. 
