Bible 365 Devotional



3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” 
4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ” 

Jesus is not only our Lord and Saviour; He is our example.  We often talk about becoming more Christ-like as a good goal for all Christians.  After all, we are His family and His body on the earth.   

And He did not abandon us and leave us helpless just waiting for the day we will be with Him in heaven.  

No, Jesus equipped us to overcome down here.  He has given us help, The Helper the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us into all truth.  And He has given us forgiveness and made us new creations, so the deck is stacked in our favor.   

He has also given us the best way to overcome the temptations and deceptions of our enemy, Satan.  It's the same way Jesus dealt with the devil.  It is written. When the enemy would try to work some scheme on Jesus, Jesus would answer with it is written and then quote the scripture.  This strategy was effective in rebuffing the attacks and lies of the enemy.  And this same strategy will work for us today.   



When we sense the subtle lies of Satan coming our way, we have an answer; it is written.  Now the obvious thing here is we do need to know what is actually written.  This is another good reason to read our chapter in Bible 365.  The more we know what the scriptures say, the better our defense.  The better our answer.   

If your mind just seems to be buzzing with negatives like bees coming at you, you have an answer, "No, it is written, the Lord is my Sheperd, and He restores my soul."  When the temptation to worry strikes, you have an answer, "it is written I can cast my cares on Him (God) because He cares for me."  If you feel alone and abandoned, you have an answer, "It is written, He will never leave me or forsake me." 

So, we have an answer.  The same answer Jesus had when He was pressed by the enemy.  It is written.  And if Jesus used that strategy, I think I'll just follow Him.     



Thank You, Lord, that I have an answer for whatever Satan, my enemy, brings my way.  I thank You that Your Word is true and is the light that overcomes the darkness in the world.
