Bible 365 Devotional



9 For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 10 and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. 


This book is considered to be the first letter from Paul to a church. It is more of an encouraging letter as they wer facing persecution, and he is pleased with their progress.   

In our passage for today, the phrase that stood out to me was the living and true God. 

These Thessalonians had been idol worshippers, but then Paul showed up and proclaimed the gospel to them. Many heard the good news and turned away from their idols.  

The worship of idols was commonplace in the world during Paul's life. Every time he would go into a city, he would reach out to the Jews first. Paul could present Jesus to the Jews from the Old Testament scriptures. But when talking to the Gentiles of a city, they had no reference or context regarding Jewish scriptures. Paul mentions earlier in this chapter that the message of Jesus came to these idol-worshipping Gentiles in power and in the Holy Spirit. We don't get the whole story, but we get the sense that miracles took place in Thessalonica.  

Whatever did happen when the gospel came in power and the Holy Spirit, these people abandoned their idols and turned to the living and true God. They began to wait for the return of Jesus, who God had raised from the dead. He is the Lord and the One who saved these believers from the wrath of God in the last days.   


Idols have no life. They are dead, and the people who worship them are spiritually dead as well. But if anyone will turn to the living, true God by receiving His Son, spiritual life is the end result.   

We may not see much worship of physical idols, such as you would see today in India and other parts of the world. But that does not mean that people in America have no false gods.  

Whether it's the worship of money, sex, the earth, or government. Many 'idols' still exist. Some of us were there until we believed the gospel of Jesus and turned to the only living and true God. And there is a day coming when all the idols and false gods of man will be exposed and destroyed. But those of us who believed in Jesus will be safe. This should mean a great deal to us today. I promise it will mean everything in eternity.  


I believe You are the only living and true God. I believe in Your Son, Jesus. Thank You for the salvation that’s in Him! 
