Bible 365 Devotional


ACTS 20:22-24 NKJV 

22 And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, 23 except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. 24 But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. 


Paul shared some great truths with the leaders of Ephesus. This passage today is part of his last words to them. There are some great lessons in this chapter. 

In our verses for today, Paul acknowledges that he must go to Jerusalem. He uses the term bound in the spirit. I am not quite sure of all that bound in the spirit involves, but Paul was not hesitant about his next journey. 

Even so, Paul also acknowledged there was some uncertainty regarding what would happen when he arrived. Except the Holy Spirit had been warning him that his trip was not going to be a picnic. Imprisonment and trouble were waiting for him. 

Many Bible scholars have felt that Paul missed God by going to Jerusalem. With all the warnings, he should have listened to the Holy Spirit. 

I have a different take on Paul's insistence on going. One, the Holy Spirit did not tell him not to go. He let Paul know that trouble was waiting. 

The second thing that makes me think Paul was obeying the Lord by going was Paul's attitude. The troubles he was heading into did not move him. The troubles were a nonfactor in his decision. 

This is where we see that purpose was the biggest motivator in Paul's life. The troubles did not sway him. And he did not count his life dear to himself. He was not trying to protect his life.  

What moved and motivated Paul was completing his purpose on the earth. To run his full race and finish. To fulfill the ministry that the Lord gave him. A ministry to proclaim the gospel of God's grace.  

This strong sense of purpose, coupled with a disregard for personal ease and comfort, enabled Paul to finish his course with joy.  


We do not have Paul's calling, but we can still glean from his perspective. 

What a great goal to shoot for. Where a strong sense of fulfilling God's purpose for our lives overrides discomfort and inconvenience. Where our primary concern is finishing the race God has called us to.  

I am not at the place where none of these things move me. But by faith, I am getting there, and I believe I will finish all of my race with joy, no pun intended.  


Lord, I ask You for clarity in defining my race and my purpose here on earth. I want the purpose of obeying You to be my greatest motivator. 
