Bible 365 Devotional



8 To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,  

In the New King James version that has been my staple Bible for almost 40 years, we see a perplexing phrase.  The unsearchable riches of Christ.  It lends the thought that we can't search out the riches we have in Christ.  Yet in the first two chapters of Ephesians, that's pretty much all Paul talks about.  So what gives? 

Often it helps to use some of the great Bible Apps available today.  Different translations give us insight into this phrase unsearchable riches.  One says the exhaustless wealth of Christ.  Another refers to the endless treasures available to us in Christ.  Those phrases help open our understanding.  It's not that we can't find out what has been done for us in Christ.  It's just a whole lot bigger than we thought, and the more we explore, the bigger the riches of Christ become.   

We also must consider that these truths are spiritual, and there are dimensions of the Spirit that go way beyond our limited thinking and experience.  It's a good thing God gave us the Holy Spirit to be our teacher and guide.  The riches of Christ are big, real big.   



As you read these chapters in Ephesians, highlight or underline the verses that speak to what we have or who we are in Christ.  These are the riches of Christ that are available to everyone who puts their faith in Him.  In verse twelve of chapter three, we see that we have boldness and confidence through faith in Him.  Boldness and confidence with God.  Boldness and access with confidence before the throne of grace.  Whew!  That's big, that's rich, and it's all because of Jesus! 



Thank you, Father, for all the endless treasures available to me in Christ.  I'm rich, and I haven't known it, but I am expecting to know more and more what You've done for me in Him.
