Bible 365 Devotional


PROVERBS 15:1 & 4

PROVERBS 15:1 & 4 NKJ 
1 A soft answer turns away wrath, 
But a harsh word stirs up anger. 
4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, 
But perverseness in it breaks the spirit. 


I highlight, underline and write in all of my Bibles. And that's quite alright. There is nothing sacrilegious about it. This Proverb 15 is a well highlighted chapter.  

There are so many powerful nuggets of wisdom in Proverbs 15. Topics include a merry heart. Wise people and their actions. The power of counsel. And our topic for today - our words. 

Proverbs has an immense amount of wisdom and instruction that is directly related to the words of our mouth. Our two scriptures today give us insight as to the impact of our words on other people. And the impact of words on our own lives.   

A soft answer turns away wrath. It is not too much of a stretch to assume most men would rather not come across as soft, especially in today's harsh polarizing environment. But there is another way of looking at soft. How about thoughtful, refined and gentle. Those kinds of words can deflect anger.  

The contrast is a harsh word. Harsh is pretty much the same in any language, but another translation uses painful and careless. Those are the kind of words that can really get an argument going. Our words, which will include the tone of our words, can stir things up or calm things down. And all the honest married people said Amen! 

Verse four speaks to the power of our own words in our own life.   

A wholesome, soothing, healing tongue. Words that build up and encourage are a tree of life. Our words can bring life to our souls and life to those around us.   

But a perverse tongue, one speaking words that overwhelm and depress (Amplified Bible), can break or crush the spirit. Certainly, negative words hurt others, but they hurt and crush our spirit as well.  


Just saying is not accurate as a phrase. Our words can calm and soothe, or they can evoke anger and heartache. 

My mother would give me a fierce look during my teen years and warn me to watch my mouth. That was some of the best advice she ever gave me.   


Lord, help me take my words seriously. I want my words to work for good in me and in other people. 
