Bible 365 Devotional


Mark 13:32-33 NKJV 

32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 


This chapter is undoubtedly sober. Jesus is answering the question of some of His disciples regarding what will happen at the end of the age. 

Jesus warns them about being deceived. And then He proceeds to describe some very difficult times that will come on the earth. He spoke of wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes and famines and plagues. He spoke of His followers being persecuted and brought before kings and rulers in order to be a witness to them. 

Starting in verse 14, Jesus begins to describe what will take place in the Great Tribulation. It is not going to be pretty. In fact, Jesus said that unless those days had been shortened by the Lord, no flesh would be saved. False Christ will rise up, and deception will be rampant. The heavens themselves will be violently shaken. Stars will fall, and the sun and moon will be darkened. This is not looking good. 

So the big question then becomes where will the Church be during this time. And more specifically, what will happen to us? 

Here is what I do know. I know we are to be alert and watch and pray, for we do not know when the Lord is coming back. Now, that may not be comforting, but it's the most solid answer I can give. Be spiritually alert and prayerful, for we do not know the timing of all these events. 


I know to watch and pray. What I do not know is whether we are going to miss this great tribulation or if we are going to go through it. 

I am positive that I am to watch, pray, and stay ready. I believe, the emphasis there is believe not know for sure, that Jesus will come back for the Church before the great tribulation. Again, this is what I believe. I believe that because God has always made a way of escape for His people. Noah prepared an ark and was saved from the great flood. God delivered Lot out of Sodom before judgment fell. Other verses in the New Testament make me believe that life will be pretty much normal and that the rapture or catching away of the Church will take people by surprise. So, I qualify as being pre-tribulation. 

What if I am wrong? Certainly, it will not be the first time, but I do know that God will never leave me or forsake me. And when I do depart, I will be with the Lord, which is far better. So until that time, I'll keep on watching and praying and looking forward to the day that I see the Lord face to face. 


Thank You, Lord, that I belong to You, and when all is said and done, I will be with You forever. 
