Bible 365 Devotional



31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 

This chapter eight is one of my all-time favorite chapters in the entire Bible.   

There are so many great truths in this chapter, and this verse is another favorite of mine.  Paul outlines in this chapter the freedom and the amazing benefits that we have in Christ.  Make sure you invest the time to read the entire chapter.   

What then shall we say to these things?  The things Paul is talking about are, freedom from condemnation, the help of the Holy Spirit, and the inheritance that we have in Christ.  With all these great things, we can conclude that God is for us.  And if He, the living God, the creator of heaven and earth, is for us who can be against us.  Or what does it matter who is against us? 

But there is another way we can look at this.  What shall we say to the accusing voice of the enemy?  What shall we say to the voices of our past that have opposed us?  What shall we say to the voice of insecurity rising up to belittle us and steal our confidence?  We say, God, the Almighty God, is for me, so it does not matter who or what is against me.  God being for us is far greater than whatever opposes us.  We don't have to stand speechless at the taunts of fear and accusation.  We have something to say.   


When you think of it, and make sure you do.  Say out loud, God is for me; who can be against me?  When you first say these words, they may sound awkward in your mouth.  But keep saying them.  God's word is powerful, and when you make His words personal to you, they are even more powerful.  We have something to say!
