Bible 365 Devotional



18 There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, 
But the tongue of the wise promotes health. 

One major theme of the book of Proverbs is our mouth.  Not dental hygiene but rather the quality of our words.   

Mouth, words, tongue all deals with our speech and the power of our words.  This short proverb says a great deal.   

There can be words that pierce and cut like a sword.  There is nothing good in those words.  Words can really hurt.  

There are also the words of the wise.  Wise people speak words that promote healing.  Words can bring health to your relationships, your spiritual life, your capacity to grow and learn.  Words can also bring health to your body.   

So, what's in your mouth?  Hurt or health? 



I used to pride myself in my ability to 'cut' others with my words.  That's certainly nothing to be proud about.  And there was no wisdom in those words.   

Over the years, Joy and I have learned not to allow our words to hurt each other, our kids, and the people we are close to.  We have learned, and are still learning, to speak words that promote health to every aspect of our lives.  Health to our bodies, sleep, finances, energy levels, you name it, we'll speak life to it.  We speak health over all aspects of The Ark Church.  We are not just speaking positive.  We are taking God's word and His promises and using them as the foundation for healthy words.  When we slip by speaking negative, we'll catch each other, make the adjustment and go back to speaking health and life.   

It starts with answering the question.  What's in your mouth - hurt or health?   



Help me, Lord, to speak words of health over everything in my sphere of influence.  I don't want to cause hurt.
