Bible 365 Devotional



10 If you faint in the day of adversity, 
Your strength is small. 


The compassionate pastor side of me cringes a bit when I read this proverb. It is so to the point and does not soften the message by any means. 

The word faint may not convey the full meaning today as it did in Solomon's day. The Hebrew word faint does not mean to fall over in a semi-dead state like you may have seen from a groom at a wedding. 

This faint in the Hebrew means to become slack, to cease, to desist, to become discouraged, to become weak, to become feeble, to let drop, to let go, to abandon. 

So, as we look at this expanded meaning, we see that to become discouraged, weak, and stop fighting in the day when trouble comes, it's due to small strength. Notice it is not due to genetics, family background, or a character flaw. It has nothing to do with capacity and everything to do with strength. 

Now for the good news. Strength for troubled times is not a fixed asset. In other words, everyone can grow in strength. 

We understand that strength can grow by observing someone who becomes committed to working out. If they are consistent and have some good working knowledge, they can grow in strength regardless of age and existing muscularity. 

The same principles apply spiritually. By feeding on God's word consistently, you can grow in strength. By facing trouble and trusting that God will help you, you will grow in strength. Learning to look to the Holy Spirit will also help you grow in strength, for He is the Strengthener. 

And the stronger you get, the less you faint. 


If you have fainted, quit, let go and become discouraged in trouble, welcome to the club. All of us have been there.   

The key is to commit to getting stronger as opposed to making allowances for giving up. 

On a plane coming back from Texas with a big challenge in front of me, the Lord spoke to my heart. No voices, but His message was clear, "You don't need less pressure; you need more strength." And by His grace and help, I did not faint. And neither will you. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 
