Bible 365 Devotional



7 He that corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself: and he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself. 
8 Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you: rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. 
9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.  

Not that we really want to correct a bunch of people, but if we are going to give correction, here is some godly wisdom.   

Don't correct a scoffer.  The word scoffer means one who is mocking, scorning, deriding, or expressing contempt. 

Now, at first glance, you would think these are exactly the kind of people who need to be corrected.  The contempt they show for God and His Kingdom puts them in the category of those who need a stiff rebuke.  But God's wisdom says don't waste your time.  It will only make them worse, and it will often blow back on you.   

So, what do we do with these people?  Leave them alone and spend your energies on people who will receive correction, people who want growth and change.  Wise people.   

Wise people don't bow up when corrected.  In fact, wise people appreciate correction and will get even wiser.  A wise person is one who has the humility to know that they do not know everything and will value the help, even if it stings.   



I have to add this disclaimer.  Children under their parents' authority need correction.  Even if they roll their eyes, the parents' role includes correcting children.   

But as for everyone else, we have to discern our place and what voice, if any, that we have with others.  I don't go around correcting other pastors because that is not my place.  However, staff does come under my pastoral authority, and I can say something.  But I still have to discern who will listen and learn and who will simply get angry.  I am thankful we have a mostly wonderful, wise staff here at The Ark, so they don't hate me when I correct them, and they keep growing in wisdom.   

When it comes to correction, we can afford to be picky.   



Dear Father, I want to be someone You can correct by Your word, Your Spirit, and Your servants.  I want to grow and increase in wisdom.   
