Bible 365 Devotional


PROVERBS 8:1, 10-11

PROVERBS 8:1, 10-11 NKJ 
1 Does not wisdom cry out, 
And understanding lift up her voice? 
10 Receive my instruction, and not silver, 
And knowledge rather than choice gold; 
11 For wisdom is better than rubies, 
And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her. 

This proverb personifies godly wisdom as a female.  I know all the ladies appreciate that thought and fully believe that it's well deserved.  I am not certain of all the ramifications of wisdom being a she, but I do know that in a relationship, the female is the one being pursued.  Please don't rope me into a cultural battle here; let's just go with that thought.   

Wisdom is crying out, come to me.  Come and receive from me.  Wisdom is not being aggressive, but wisdom is available, and wisdom is beautiful.  Better than silver, gold, and rubies.  More valuable than any material object.  Those are big statements, but a few verses later, wisdom states that she produces more than silver and gold could alone.  Riches, honor, counsel, strength, and the understanding on how to lead, godly wisdom is extremely valuable, affecting all areas of our life.   



Taking time to pursue a relationship with God and get His wisdom is a high-value proposition.   

God's wisdom can bring answers that money will not solve.  God's wisdom can keep us out of trouble that could have been expensive to fix.  God's wisdom is found in His word and in fellowship with Him.  But God's wisdom must be pursued.  He satisfies the hungry, not those who do not care.  Wisdom is calling to you.  How will you respond? 


Thank you, Father, for Your wisdom.  It is precious to me, and I am seeking Your wisdom more and more.
