Bible 365 Devotional


ACTS 26:28-29

ACTS 26:28-29 NKJ 
28 Then Agrippa said to Paul, "You almost persuade me to become a Christian." 
29 And Paul said, "I would to God that not only you, but also all who hear me today, might become both almost and altogether such as I am, except for these chains." 


Paul is defending himself in front of King Agrippa, his wife, Bernice, and Festus, a governor of Rome. In his defense, he is also sharing the gospel and declaring that this Jesus is risen from the dead.   

Festus spoke up and accused Paul of being crazy. But Paul never backed off and countered that his words were of truth and reason. Paul's appeal, which was undoubtedly anointed by the Holy Spirit, moved King Agrippa.   

King Agrippa was almost persuaded to become a Christian. Impressive for a king to state this, but almost does not get the job done.   

Paul's next statement shows us how much he believed his own message. Paul desired everyone who was hearing him to become like him. Paul wanted everyone to become a believer. Even the royalty that was present. Paul believed so much in the power of God's salvation that he was unashamed to stand before kings and rulers and declare, ya'll need to be like me; that's the southern adaptation. 

Paul did have one caveat. I want you to be like me except for these chains. But Paul was most conscious of the inner man. Chains are temporary, and I would not want them for anyone. But the new birth and the life we have in Christ is eternal. Paul understood that our time here on earth is fleeting, and things that are eternal are what matters most.   


This revelation would make such a difference in our efforts to reach others.   

Too often, we have been concerned with what people with more status would think of us if they knew we were believers. But all of man's glory and status is temporary.   

We should be able to look a billionaire who does not know Jesus in the eye and say, I want you to be like me. Does that sound far-fetched? Not if we recognize that we are spiritual beings and we will not be on this earth forever. Even billionaires die.   

My prayer for all of us, myself included, is that we gain such understanding of the new birth that we want everyone to be like us. What a difference that would make.   


Dear Lord, show me how I can get to the place where Paul lived. So confident and secure in You that he wanted all to know You. Open my eyes that I might see more clearly. 
