Bible 365 Devotional



19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. 


You got owned was a rather pointed bit of trash talk used in sports circles. It meant you were dominated by another player.   

Paul's message to the church at Corinth was not an in-your-face insult but rather a wonderful truth.   

The Holy Spirit, through Paul, is reminding these believers that what they did with their bodies was more than a personal choice.   

Their bodies were temples of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit actually lived in them, and He, the Spirit, was a gift from God.  

And it does not stop there. They were not their own. In today's culture, the idea that I am not my own is not a popular idea. But Paul goes on to explain that believers have been bought at a price. We know that price involved the death of God's Son, Jesus, so we are talking a big price.   

Because they were bought at a huge price, they were to glorify God with their total being, spirit, soul, and body. They belonged to God.   

The city of Corinth has been likened to being the ancient equivalent of Las Vegas. It was a city with an extreme amount of sexual activity. Paul is having to address people who, before they turned to Christ, were heavily involved in a sexually perverse culture.   

In reminding them of God's standard, this message serves as a great motivator. More than just stop it. Knowing they belonged to God, He made them and bought them back, added extra emphasis to living pure.   


Knowing we belong to God is a powerful truth that, when applied, is a game-changer. What dignity is found in being a temple of the Holy Spirit. What comfort in being God's property.   

This is another reason for me to believe that sickness does not belong to us. I have a hard time believing sickness and pain in my body glorifies God.  

Knowing we belong to God is a great reason to live clean, pure, and strong. We are high-value people. He paid an awesome price for us.   


Thank You, Father. You paid a high price for me. I owe You with living the best I can be. 
