Bible 365 Devotional


Philippians 3:1-3 NKJV 

1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for you it is safe. 2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation! 3 For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, 


Paul had a great amount of confidence. However, his confidence was not based on anything in the flesh. His confidence was not based on anything that could be seen or heard.   

Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi was a positive letter to a church that seemed to be doing well. But Paul was not a rah-rah guy. His letters contained warnings, information, and directives. We see all three in these three verses today.   

Rejoice in the Lord. That’s a directive. Paul was not bothered by repeating the same instructions. He knew it would be for the benefit of the believers, a safety valve for them. Rejoicing in the Lord is based on what the Lord has done for us. Paul had already discussed some of the benefits of being united with Christ. He was given a revelation of what took place when someone made Jesus their Lord. Paul knew that our union with Christ was more than heaven when we die but a great spiritual wealth that belongs to all who believe. This is why he was big on rejoicing in the Lord. Rejoicing in the Lord is a safe place for all believers because it shifts the focus away from this temporary world to the greater eternal things that are ours in Christ.   

Then, here comes the warnings. Beware of dogs. Paul was not writing about large dogs roaming through Philippi biting people. He was showing his disdain for people who preached a doctrine contrary to the gospel of Christ. We can see this as he further warns of evil workers and the mutilation. The mutilation were those people who preached to the Philippian Gentiles that they must be circumcised to be saved. These were the people preaching the circumcision of the flesh, and they infuriated Paul.   

So Paul drops a spiritual bomb on these people. He tells the Gentile believers in Philippi that they are the circumcision. But Paul is talking about a spiritual truth. Circumcision was a sign that someone was in covenant with God under the Old Testament. But in Christ, a sign in the flesh meant nothing. Who a person is spiritually is what matters. So, all these believers in Philippi were in relationship with God. These are the ones who worship God in the Spirit, not with physical sacrifices. These are the ones who rejoice in Christ Jesus, not their own works and efforts. These are the ones who have no confidence in the flesh.   

Paul is not advocating for poor self-esteem or false humility. He knew that a relationship with God was not based on a person’s birth, heritage, or religious background. Paul knew that an individual’s works, to show themselves approved of God, were pointless. So Paul had no confidence in the flesh but a massive amount of confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ. In the rest of chapter three, Paul spells out the reason for his confidence in the Lord and the ultimate goal of a mature believer. It’s all about Jesus, and that’s where Paul placed his confidence.   



Our confidence is not in our good works, our church attendance, or our spiritual background. There is much to be said for all three, but it’s not where we place our trust. You may have had godly parents and grandparents, and what a blessing that is. But you cannot place your confidence in God based on your background. The same applies to doing works of service and being a part of a good local church. All are good, but not enough to make you right in God’s sight. Being right before God is based on faith in Jesus Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection.   

Great confidence in our relationship with God is available to all. All who believe.   



Lord, thank You that my confidence is not based on something temporary and unstable. My confidence is in You. 

