Bible 365 Devotional


MATTHEW 18:26-33

MATTHEW 18:26-33 NKJ 
26 The servant therefore fell down before him, saying, ‘Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all.’ 27 Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him, and forgave him the debt. 
28 “But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii; and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat, saying, ‘Pay me what you owe!’ 29 So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him, saying, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you all.’ 30 And he would not, but went and threw him into prison till he should pay the debt. 31 So when his fellow servants saw what had been done, they were very grieved, and came and told their master all that had been done. 32 Then his master, after he had called him, said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you begged me. 33 Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?’  

This is another of Jesus' parables that has a very poignant message. 

A servant owed his master ten thousand talents.  Almost any Bible resource will tell you that ten thousand talents is a massive amount of money.  One talent of silver was equal to roughly 15 years wages, and of course, gold would be more than that.   

For a servant to work off this debt was impossible.   And yet his master had compassion on this servant, forgave him, and released him of the entire debt.   

But then this forgiven servant found a fellow servant who owed him a small sum, especially when compared to the millions he had been released from. Let's say it's ten thousand dollars.  Nothing to sneeze at but compared to millions?  And even when the fellow servant asked for mercy, he was thrown into prison. 

And the master was not happy.  The master had given compassion and expected his servant to do the same. The servant wound up in a bad place.   



There is not a hidden message in this parable.  We have been forgiven for all our sins, a debt we could not repay or work off.  Pure compassion on God's part, not that we have earned it.  So now our role is to pay that forward and forgive those who owe us.  Maybe they owe us an apology or to make something right.  Maybe it's money or even respect.  Whatever it is they owe, we can take a hard line and demand payment, or we can learn from our Father and just forgive.   No one said this is easy. There is often a whole range of feelings, emotions, and hurts involved.  No, it's not easy, but it's right.  God has forgiven us.  We follow our Father's example and forgive others.  That's something we do by faith, often absent of feelings, but when we release them, we are helping ourselves.  We get released from hardness and bitterness setting in.  And it's living God's way.  Life is too short to live small.  Pay it forward.   



Heavenly Father, thank You for forgiving me a huge debt I could never repay.  Help me to walk in forgiveness towards others.
