Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 9:9-10

PSALM 9:9-10 NKJ 
9 The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, 
A refuge in times of trouble. 
10 And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; 
For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You. 

One of the great characteristics of David was his constant expression of who the Lord was to him.  

If we want to follow someone as a model, Jesus comes to mind first.  But we can't overlook some of the Old Testament men and women of faith.  Their character and faith in God caused them to overcome in some of life's toughest challenges.   

David was such a man.  The things he encountered and the battles he faced qualify him as someone worth examination.  This is particularly true when we realize that he rarely wound up on the losing side.   

So, as we look at David's life through his writings, he was constantly declaring who God was.  And who God was to him.   

In these two verses, David declares the compassion and mercy of God.  That God will be a refuge for the oppressed.  Note that God is never the oppressor.  David knows better.  He knew God to be a secure place, a tall tower, an answer when oppression came.  In times of trouble, David believed that he could count on God as his safe place.   

And David knew the Lord to be One who would stick with him.  That God could be trusted.  In fact, God was the best place to put his trust.  If David would simply seek God, God would not forsake him.   

David believed these things about God for his own life.  But he also believed this was who God was, period.  Anyone who would look to God could be in that safe place.  So even though this was a personal revelation for David, it was applicable for all who would call on God.   


One of the key questions we must answer in our lives is, "Who is God to us?" 

For some, He is Savior, and that's all.  For others, it goes so much further.  Some know and believe Him as Healer, Helper, Guide, Wisdom, Righteousness, Redeemer and Father, Lord and Shepherd.  

So how do you know Him?  Who is He to you?  The biggest truth is that God is who His word reveals Him to be.  So, when we find verses that declare Him to be a refuge and a consistent help in trouble, we can declare with David, God is my refuge, God will never forsake me because I seek Him.  God is good to me.   


I am so glad I can call You my Father. And I believe there is so much more that I can believe about You. Thank You for being the biggest in my life!
